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Moving House

Om den här mallen

Moving your house can be a daunting prospect, but it doesn’t have to be. Use the Japanese art of “Sukoshi Zutsu”: Break down your tasks into little parts and complete them one by one.

This template contains tasks for (almost) everything you’ll need to do to get moving. Whenever you think of another thing you have to do, simply add the task to the project and give it a due date. Things will be busy, so add tasks right from your phone to save time.

Tip: Share the project with the people who are helping you move. They’ll be able to see which tasks are still remaining and which are complete.


Head of Support at Todoist

Liknande mallar

  • Goal Tracker

    Build a system that connects your high-level goals to your daily actions.


  • Appointments

    Never forget (or forget to prepare for) another meeting or appointment.


  • Fitness

    Make fitness a habit by adding your favorite exercises to your to-do list.


Liknande mallar

  • Goal Tracker

    Build a system that connects your high-level goals to your daily actions.


  • Appointments

    Never forget (or forget to prepare for) another meeting or appointment.


  • Fitness

    Make fitness a habit by adding your favorite exercises to your to-do list.


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