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Work Shutdown Ritual

Over dit sjabloon

As the workday comes to an end, it's crucial to have a routine that helps you transition from work mode to personal time. This template, inspired by Cal Newport's Work Shutdown Ritual, is designed to help you wrap up your day, reflect on your progress, and prepare for the next day.

Start by reviewing your completed tasks and celebrating your accomplishments. Then, update your to-do list for the following day, ensuring that you have a clear plan of action. Take a moment to tidy up your workspace, both physically and digitally, to create a clean slate for tomorrow.

Finally, engage in a brief ritual to signal the end of your workday. This could be as simple as closing your laptop, saying a phrase, or performing a small gesture. By consistently practicing this ritual, you'll train your brain to switch off from work and enjoy your well-deserved leisure time.


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