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Toggl Track

Easily track your time from within Todoist!


Effortlessly track your time directly from your task list to see which activities are moving you forward and which are taking more than their fair share of your time. Start and stop the timer with just one click. Add projects, clients, and billable rates. Your data will be automatically synced across all Toggl Track platforms — web, mobile, and desktop.


  • Start and stop the timer directly from Todoist.

  • Assign tasks to larger projects.

  • Assign clients and billable rates to see how profitable your time is.

Todoist Pro antaa sinulle voiman saavuttaa tavoitteesi

Muista kaikki muistutusten avulla, seuraa niin monta projektia kuin tarvitset, personoi sovellusta Pro-teemoilla ja paljon muuta.

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