모든 템플릿

Doing to Done

셋업 설명

Learn to decrease overwhelm with the Doing to Done method setup in Todoist.

It's a simple yet powerful productivity framework designed to turn chaos into clarity. It organizes your life and tasks into three key levels: roles, projects, and actions. Roles represent the different areas of your life (e.g., personal, professional, family), projects are specific goals or outcomes within each role, and actions are the next concrete steps to move projects forward. This structure helps you break down overwhelming thoughts and responsibilities into manageable, actionable items.

At the heart of this system is the concept of identifying one clear next action for each project, which helps overcome procrastination and overthinking. The setup includes a weekly review process to keep your system current and aligned with your priorities. By providing a clear, role-based overview of your commitments and a simple way to track next actions, the Doing to Done system in Todoist aims to reduce mental clutter and increase focus, allowing you to be more present and productive in all areas of your life.


  1. Identify your roles: Recognize the key areas of your life (e.g., personal, professional, family).

  2. Create projects: Under each role, list the specific outcomes you're working towards.

  3. Define next actions: For each project, determine the single next step that will create momentum.

  4. Capture single actions: Use the "Single Actions" project for one-off tasks that don't require a full project.

  5. Execute: Focus on completing the next actions you've identified.

  6. Weekly review: Once a week, go through the provided review process to:

    • Review your roles and projects
    • Reflect on your progress
    • Reset your system by updating projects and next actions
  7. Repeat: Continue this cycle to maintain clarity and progress across all areas of your life.

Small wins. Big Impacts!

Mike Williams

Productivity Coach and Community Builder

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  • Todoist CEO의 셋업

    Amir가 Todoist를 이용하여 35개국에 100명으로 구성된 리모트 워크 회사 운영과 세 아이의 아빠 역할 사이의 균형을 맞추는 방법을 살펴보세요.


  • Naomi의 셋업

    Naomi가 어떻게 Todoist 프로젝트를 사용하여 각 기간 (이번 주, 다음 주, 이번 달, 다음 달, 올해)을 파악하는 지 살펴보세요.


  • 개구리 먹기

    “개구리 먹기” Todoist 셋업을 복사하여 미루는 버릇을 극복하고 매일 가장 중요한 작업을 수행하고 있는 지 확인하세요.


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