

次に、 US$6 /メンバー/月 年払い


50,000 組以上のチームが Todoist で仕事や生活を整えています

On every device your team touches

With real-time sync across 10+ platforms, everyone will have the most up-to-date information. Always.

On every device your team touches

With real-time sync across 10+ platforms, everyone will have the most up-to-date information. Always.



Michael K.

Michael K.

IT Ghostwriter


チームに共有の場所を付与して、コラボレーション&重要なプロジェクトを進めましょう – 併せて個人のものも別で管理できます。

「間接費のかかるプロジェクト管理プラットフォームを使わずに、目標達成に向かって全員が共有でき、素早く簡単にアクセスできる場所が必要でした。Todoist が最適でした。」
Michael M.

Michael M.

サイバー セキュリティ スタートアップ



US$6/ユーザー/月, 年払い
$8 月払いの場合

  • 共有のチーム ワークスペース

  • 最大 500 件のチーム プロジェクト

  • 1,000 人のチーム メンバー&ゲスト

  • 1,000 件のプロジェクト フォルダ

  • チームの役割&許可設定

  • 請求と支払いの一元化

10 名以上のチームでご利用ですか?Marco と Dermot とのデモをご予約ください


チームをアップグレードすると、チーム メンバー全員がプロ機能を入手できます!



「ワークスペース毎のタスクのフィルタリングが画期的でした。朝起きて、自分の Todoist が始業前に仕事のタスクでいっぱいになっているのを、目にしなくても済むのですから。」
Erik O.

Erik O.

シニア サポート&ドキュメンテーション スペシャリスト


チーム データの所有権はお客様に、当社はシンプルにデータを保護します。

Explore more ways your team can use Todoist

Todoist は完全リモートの、独立した、ブートストラップの(外部の投資家の支援を受けない)チームによって開発されました

投資家や株主はいません。30 か国以上の 100 人以上の人々から成るチームが、今後数十年と続いていくサステナブルなビジネスを運営しています。 


当社 CEO のアミールが中小企業で Todoist を使う方法についてご紹介します

仕事と生活を Todoist で整える 50,000 組のチームに加わろう


The Business plan includes all of the features of the Pro plan — like reminders, filters, and more — in addition to a few handy capabilities for team users and admins:

All team members will be able to:

  • Browse and preview public team projects and join only the ones that are relevant to them.
  • Share direct links to projects, sections, tasks, and comments that teammates can preview and instantly take action on.
  • Group or filter tasks by personal and/or team projects from the View Options menu in Today, Upcoming, and filter views to better separate work and life.

For team leaders, adding a team to Todoist:

  • Gives you a transparent, organized overview of all your team’s work and lets you pop in to see progress, without having to join each and every individual project.
  • Makes data ownership crystal clear. Team projects belong to the team. Personal projects belong to the individual.
  • Grants admins more control over permissions and data access in team settings.

Plus, when you upgrade your team to the Business plan, all members automatically get access to all personal Pro features – like reminders, calendar layout for projects, and task durations!

(After all, when your teammates are organized and on top of their personal to-dos, teamwork magically tends to flow more smoothly, too. 💆)

You can view a full overview of what is included with each plan on our pricing page.

You absolutely can! The simple yet powerful personal task manager you know and love isn’t going anywhere. As with all of Todoist’s power features, these team features are there when you need them and out of the way when you don’t. Your personal projects stay private and in your full control, even when you're collaborating with a team in a shared workspace.

Yes! There are no limits to the amount of paid teams you can create.

However, billing is per team. If you have the same person in two different paid teams, you’re paying twice for that person. This means that separate teams are best used when interacting with completely distinct groups — clients, vendors, or partner organizations — with no crossover. 

Instead of creating new teams, you may choose to use folders or restricted projects to group and organize team efforts; in fact, that's how we do it ourselves.

You can go here to see a full overview of the features and limits for each team plan.

This article explains in detail what the difference is between being an admin, a member, or a guest of a team.

Shared projects can be great for ad hoc collaboration, but when you work with the same group of people who all need access to the same projects and information, one-off shared projects leave a lot to be desired. Now there's a dedicated home for your team's work.

In a team:

  • All members can browse and preview projects on their own, or preview and join projects via link. No more manually inviting people, one-by-one, to join shared projects.
  • Every member can keep track of important projects in the team workspace, while maintaining a completely separate space for their personal data. Custom filters allow for the mix of work and personal tasks that's right for each individual.
  • Referencing projects, sections, and tasks is as easy as sharing a link.
  • Data ownership — what belongs to the team and what belongs to individuals — is crystal clear. Team projects belong to the team and personal projects stay private — even if you leave the team.
  • Admins can control access, manage roles, and get an overview of the team's activity.

And there's more to come — we'll continue to add more collaborative features based on real-world feedback from teams like yours.

Absolutely. People outside of your organization can be invited to specific projects as guests, for free.