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Help Center Article

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As people flock to your awesome product or service, you can expect a few of them to run into bumps along the way. Make life easier by offering them a help center full of well-written solutions to their problems. Go even further by offering them best practices and useful tips, too.

Use this template to take a help center article from idea to publishing. Follow along with the checklist to write your article, design your images, upload your content and publish it on the help center for your users to see.

Tip: As you progress, keep track of your drafts and images by attaching them or linking to them in your task comments.


Product Marketing at Todoist

Liknande mallar

  • Feature Requests

    Monitor (and act on) the valuable feedback that your Support team receives.


  • Issue Tracking

    Stay on top of the bugs and issues (both big and small) in your software.


Liknande mallar

  • Feature Requests

    Monitor (and act on) the valuable feedback that your Support team receives.


  • Issue Tracking

    Stay on top of the bugs and issues (both big and small) in your software.


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