Getting Things Done (GTD)Getting Things Done (GTD)Sistematize a desordem no seu cérebro e parta para a açãoPopularGestão de tarefas
KanbanKanbanMove your project through a visual pipeline from start to finishPopularGestão de tarefasTrabalho em equipePriorização
Time BlockingTime Blocking...and its cousins task batching and day theming. Control your schedule so it doesn't control youPopularFocoGestão de tempo
Eat the FrogEat the FrogIf it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morningPopularFocoProcrastinaçãoPriorização
The Pomodoro TechniqueThe Pomodoro TechniqueBeat procrastination and improve your focus one pomodoro at a timePopularGestão de tempoProcrastinaçãoFoco
The Eisenhower MatrixThe Eisenhower MatrixAvoid the "Urgency Trap" with Dwight D. Eisenhower's famous prioritization frameworkPopularPriorização
SystemistSystemistFollow Todoist's founder's personal productivity systemGestão de tarefasPriorização
The Medium MethodThe Medium MethodWant to be more productive? Don't go (completely) paperlessGestão de tarefasPriorização
Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)Set rigorous goals that align big-picture priorities with day-to-day actionsPriorizaçãoAcompanhamento de metasTrabalho em equipe
The Weekly ReviewThe Weekly Review10x your productivity with just one hour a weekPriorizaçãoAcompanhamento de metas
The Commitment InventoryThe Commitment InventoryMake sure every area of your life gets the time and energy it deservesPriorizaçãoGestão de tempo
SMART GoalsSMART GoalsHow to create goals you'll actually completeAcompanhamento de metasPopularGestão de tarefasTrabalho em equipe