모든 통합

Newton Mail - Email App

Instantly turn emails into tasks, both on mobile and desktop, in a single tap or click.

자세히 알아보기

Newton helps busy professionals and teams go through their emails twice as fast. Cutting down complexity with a minimal interface helps professionals manage modern-day business communication with a smile. Works with Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo, Hotmail, iCloud, and all IMAP accounts on ALL your devices; iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, and Windows.

Managing tons of emails, turning them into tasks, prioritizing, and getting them done can be a messy process, if not done right.

Todoist + Newton removes unnecessary back-and-forth by directly adding tasks from your inboxes so you stay on top of all your most important tasks and projects. With one click, add the email to any project from Todoist, edit tasks/notes, assign priority, and it's DONE!


  • Add an email to Todoist with a simple click.

  • Highlight any lines or links from email by using right-click and “add to Todoist.”

  • Choose Title, Project, Labels, Priority and Due Date and the card will instantly be created and synced with Todoist.

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