모든 통합

Fast Task Creator

Speed up task creation with reusable task templates.

자세히 알아보기

It can take approximately 10 additional seconds to add your Todoist task details like project, labels, time, and duration before you even write the task text! If you’re tired of selecting the same metadata over and over again, there’s now a solution.

Fast Task Creator for Todoist helps you speed up task creation with reusable task templates. You can create unlimited task templates that can be accessed within two clicks while composing a task.


  • Pre-fill tasks with the metadata that you use most frequently, like project, time, and labels.

  • Create task templates with durations.

  • Create unlimited task templates that can be accessed within two clicks while composing a task.

Todoist Pro는 모든 일을 처리할 수 있는 힘을 줍니다

미리 알림으로 모든 것을 기억하고, 필요한 만큼 프로젝트를 파악하고, 프로 테마로 멋지게 꾸미며, 그 외 더 많은 것들을 수행하세요.

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