모든 통합

Export to Google Sheets

Easily export your Todoist projects to Google Sheets.

자세히 알아보기

Documenting and reporting on work in progress is a lot easier with Export to Google Sheets.

Simply open your project, choose Export to Google Sheets from the project menu, and select which task fields (including due date, priority, creation date, description, section, and assignee) you want to include in your spreadsheet. Hit the Export button, and a new spreadsheet will show up directly in your Google Drive.


  • Export your Todoist projects to Google Sheets.

  • Select which task fields you want to include in your export.

  • Export directly to a new spreadsheet in your Google Drive.

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자동화 파트너를 통해 수천개의 다른 앱과 통합하세요. 또는 API를 탐색하여 자체 확장 프로그램 또는 통합을 구축하세요.