모든 통합


Intuitive Time Tracking platform for companies and teams

자세히 알아보기

Day.io is a time-tracking platform that integrates with Todoist. Track the time and cost of projects across multiple teams, create schedules, projects, and tasks, and generate reports. Once you’ve created an account on Day.io you can select the option to integrate with Todoist. Once that phase is complete, you’ll be requested to install the Day.io browser extension in order to embed the different controls in Todoist.

Day.io will sync with Todoist on a regular basis to keep projects and tasks up to date on Day.io, as well as ensure that time tracking and cost tracking reports remain current.


  • Track activities, time, and costs

  • Increase project profitability

  • Improve project planning

  • Track activities in the office and on external projects

  • Integrate seamlessly with Todoist

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