This page is updated in English only. Join our testing community to test early versions of the features below before anyone else (available in 19 languages).
What’s the catch? Just share your feedback so we can keep improving!
Scroll your calendars more freely – March 25
The new calendar layouts in Todoist were received with a blast back in June. It’s been great seeing all the creative ways you've put it to use.
Since then, many of you asked for more calendar flexibility. Especially scrolling more freely in the week and month layouts and seeing rolling days. So, Craig and the frontend team rolled up their sleeves and built a new calendar engine to power the Week, Month, and Today layouts.
We’re excited to get it into your testing hands! Here’s
Craig to show you all about it:What's new?
- 🌀 Continuous scrolling: You can now scroll freely through time. Great for dragging-and-dropping tasks between weeks and months, or to see the next rolling days towards the end of the week.
- 🔁 Past events stay visible: If you’ve connected your calendar, you’ll see past events alongside your completed tasks. Much better context for daily reviews.
- 🧲 Flexible drag-and-drop: Move tasks from the calendar to a project in the sidebar, or between time slots, more easily than previously.
To try the improved calendar experience, just head to any view with the calendar layout enabled.
Ready to be tested
We've rolled out the improved web calendar experience to everyone on v7738 and above.
Hit a snag or have ideas to make it even better? Please share it all with us via this feedback form. It’s so important for us to make this experience top-notch quality.
Enjoy, and happy testing! 🧪
Shorter Task description previews in List view - March 20
Today we're testing a simple but impactful change to how task description previews appear in List view on our Web and Desktop apps.
Ever opened a project and felt slightly overwhelmed by all the description text stretching across your screen? Well, now instead of showing the entire description condensed into one (sometimes very long) line, Todoist will display just the first line of your description.
Here's how these descriptions have been shown before:
And how they display after this update:
Why this change?
The problem with how this worked previously is especially noticeable when descriptions contained bullet lists, a list of links, or lengthy information. Condensing the description's content into a single line made it harder to scan your tasks quickly and understand the context.
By showing only the first line, we're aiming to make your task lists cleaner and easier to scan, and give you more control over what information will be shown when you (or a team mate) are looking at that task in a List view.
Let us know what you think
As with all Experimentalist features, we'd love to hear from you. Specifically:
- Does this change make your lists feel more organized and easier to read?
- Are there scenarios where you miss seeing more of the description preview?
- Have you developed any interesting ways of adapting to this change (like putting the most important info in the first line)?
Try it out and let us know what you think! This change is live for all Experimentalists on web and desktop. If you experience any bugs please report them in our Experimentalist support channel.
Happy testing! 🧪
Email to Todoist powered by AI - March 13
Our new AI Assist feature extracts deadlines, links, and key action items from emails sent to Todoist, turning them into actionable tasks without any manual work on your part.
To get started, forward a message to your preferred Todoist email address (for example a specific project or your Inbox), add any optional notes like "look at this today," and the system does the rest.
Head over to video on LinkedIn for a quick intro, and some insight into our thinking about how to implement AI into Todoist.
Amir'sQuick tip
First-time forwarder? Check out our Help article on Forwarding emails to Todoist to see how it works.
Privacy & Security
What makes this special isn't just the time you'll save—it's also how we've built it. AI Assist runs entirely on Todoist's private infrastructure, meaning your data never leaves our secure environment or gets exposed to third parties.
Try it out!
The new functionality is available now for Pro and Business users with Experimentalist mode enabled. Try it with meeting invites, GitHub notifications, or those lengthy update emails that might bury important info in paragraphs of text. We'd love to hear how it fits into your workflow.
Happy testing! 🧪
Connect Outlook Calendar – March 12
Calling all Outlook enthusiasts! You asked for it, so we’re delivering the Outlook Calendar integration to you, ready for testing today. 🧪
We’re starting off with the ability to see your Outlook events in Todoist. The option to sync your scheduled tasks to Outlook is coming soon.
Hugo to show you all about it:Start testing
To try it out, head over to Calendar settings and hit Connect Outlook Calendar.
Once connected, you’ll see all calendars associated with your Outlook account in Calendar settings – to show or hide calendars, toggle the visibility per-calendar. Your Outlook events will now appear in the Today and Upcoming views.
Worth noting
If you have a Microsoft 365 Business or Education account, you may run into restrictions from your organization. Here’s an article to help with some common issues, such as needing admin approval, or not seeing your calendar after connecting (likely due to an admin restriction).
We currently only allow one calendar account connection at a time. This means that, for now, you can connect either one Outlook or Google account.
Ready to be tested
We’re carefully rolling it out to Experimentalists. It’s currently live for 30% of Experimentalists from v7666 on web/desktop, v11672 on Android, and 25.3.10 on iOS. We aim to roll out to 100% of Experimentalists by the end of the week, unless a major issue pops us.
If you experience any bugs please report them in our Experimentalist support channel. General feedback or feature improvements can be submitted using this feedback form in Calendar settings.
Enjoy! 🧪
(Now back to finishing the option to sync scheduled tasks to Outlook Calendar ...)
Filter support for deadlines – December 12
Thank you everyone who has tested Deadlines since its release and left us feedback. One of the top requests we received was, unsurprisingly, filter support for deadlines.
New filters added
We’re happy to share that new filter queries have been added today. 🥳
If you need to... | Use this |
See all tasks with no deadline | no deadline |
See all tasks with a deadline | !no deadline |
See all tasks with a deadline today | deadline: today |
See all tasks with a deadline within the next 7 days | deadline after: yesterday & deadline before: in 7 days |
See all tasks with a date today | date: today |
See all tasks with a date within the next 7 days | date after: yesterday & date before: in 7 days |
See all tasks with a date | !no date |
See all tasks with no date | no date |
Updates to existing filters
Due-related filters (“due date”, “due before”, “due after”) now account for deadlines as well, though they continue to prioritize dates. This means that tasks with a date as well as tasks without a date but with a deadline corresponding to the filter query’s date range will appear. If a task has both a date and deadline, then the task’s date will be respected.
This helps you stay focused on the tasks you plan to do, while ensuring that you don’t forget to make time to work on tasks with a deadline.
For example, you have a filter querying due:tomorrow and the following tasks:
- Task 1’s Date is today and Deadline is tomorrow
- Task 2’s Date is tomorrow and Deadline is today
- Task 3’s Date is empty and Deadline is tomorrow
In this filter: Task 2 and 3 will show up.
Would you rather all tasks show up? Use date:tomorrow | deadline:tomorrow instead.
If you don’t plan on using deadlines, the updates to existing filters shouldn’t have any effect on your workflow.
Filter Assist will be updated in the coming weeks to reflect the above changes. We are also working together to ensure full support across all languages. For an extensive list of filter queries, please visit: Introduction to filters
Natural language shortcut for Deadlines: {}
A quick reminder that the official shortcut for adding a deadline to your task is curly brackets {}. For example, {tomorrow}
will set the task’s deadline to tomorrow. We will be dropping support for parentheses soon due to conflicts with pre-existing syntax.
Try It Out!
Filter support for deadlines is available now to all Experimentalists from v7256 on web and desktop and vv11620 on Android. Make sure your app is updated to the latest version to start using it today.
iOS support will be included in the next App Store update, scheduled for early next week. You may experience some discrepancies in your filters between iOS and other platforms until this update is live.
If you experience any bugs, please report them in our Experimentalist support channel. General feedback or feature improvements can be submitted using the feedback form within the deadline scheduler.
Happy testing! 🧪
Add deadlines to your tasks – December 5
Experimentalists on paid plans can now set deadlines for tasks, giving you the flexibility to schedule your work while keeping an eye on when things are actually due. Deadlines make it easier to keep track of commitments and plan what you should focus on when.
Rain from the Deadlines squad to show you how it works. 👇Changes to terminology
As part of this update we’ve renamed the Due Date field to Date. For most people, this field represents the date you plan to do a task and its new name better reflects that. We have deliberately chosen an agnostic term to suit as many workflows as possible. 🌈
How the feature works
To set a deadline when adding a new task, click on the Deadline chip and select a deadline.
If this chip is not visible, click on the three dots and select Edit Task Actions. Move Deadlines under the Show task actions section and reorder it according to your preference.
If you prefer setting up a task’s details while you type, use the {}
shortcut. E.g. {tomorrow}
sets the task’s deadline as tomorrow.
To add or edit deadlines for existing tasks, click on the task to open the task details view. You should see the Deadline field. Open the deadline scheduler and select your desired deadline.
Deadlines are present in-app alongside other task attributes. When your deadline is approaching (within 7 days), we will start a countdown to remind you that it is nearing.
In the Calendar view, deadlines are highlighted in the All day section so you can’t miss them. You can also navigate to the task details easily from there to make sure you’ve accounted for it in your schedule.
Quick tip
Deadlines should be viewed as an informative attribute for you to schedule a suitable date and time to work on your tasks. To get the most out of the feature, we recommend that you only set deadlines for tasks in which missing the deadline has external consequences.
Deadlines are a great way to ensure everyone on your team is clear about when a task needs to be done, while still giving the assignee flexibility in terms of planning when they want to work on the task.
To enjoy the benefits of Deadlines right now, everyone on the team would need to enable Experimental features.
Try It out!
The Deadlines feature is available now to all Experimentalists on paid plans from v6706 on web and desktop, 24.9.22 on iOS, and v11536 on Android. Make sure your app is updated to the latest version to start using it today.
We know filter support for Deadlines is high on a lot of your wishlists. Work on this is underway and we'll be back with an update on that front in the coming weeks!
If you experience any bugs, please report them in our Experimentalist support channel. General feedback or feature improvements can be submitted using the feedback form within the deadline scheduler.
Happy testing! 🧪
See your project’s completed tasks in the calendar layout: November 19
Exciting times ahead! We’re working hard to make completed tasks accessible across all views in Todoist. Soon, you’ll be able to transform your “to-do” list into a “ta-da” list, letting each completed task fuel your motivation for the next challenge!
Completed tasks in project calendars 📅
To kick things off, your project’s completed tasks are now visible in the calendar layout.
This has just been rolled out to all Experimentalists on paid plans. To give it a try, head to any project with the calendar layout enabled and switch on Completed tasks in the View options menu.
Now, you can keep a record of what you’ve done and review your project’s progress right from the calendar. Let the sight of your accomplishments inspire you to take on what’s next! ✅ 💪
Hugo again to show you how to enable and use the feature if you’re on Experimental Features:Ready to test 🧪
Update to the latest app versions on web (v7075), Android (v11596), and iOS (v24.11.18). Please report any bugs in our Experimentalist support channel and share feedback or improvements using this form.
This one has been a long time coming. Be sure to keep a lookout for completed tasks across more views in Todoist. 👀 Happy testing!
Sync all-day tasks to Google Calendar: November 12
You can now also sync all-day tasks to Google Calendar with the new Calendar integration.
Hugo to show you how to use the option if you’re on Experimental Features. 🤙To try it out, navigate to Calendar settings in the web or Android app, make sure you’ve enabled the Sync tasks to calendar feature, then turn on the Sync all-day tasks option.
After a few seconds, you’ll be able to see all the scheduled tasks assigned to you in the “Todoist” calendar in Google Calendar.
With this option you can time-block tasks from Google Calendar too (useful to minimize context switching). Simply add a start and end time in Google Calendar, and the changes will sync back to Todoist.
If you find yourself a bit overwhelmed by seeing your all-day tasks, you can turn off the option at any time from Calendar settings.
Worth noting
Similar to time-blocked tasks, completing an all-day task will add a ✔︎ checkmark in Google Calendar. Rescheduling or renaming from Google Calendar will sync back to Todoist. Note that for recurring all-day tasks, we aren’t able to support updates to a single instance (“this event only”) or some complex custom recurrences.
Ready to be tested 🧪
It’s now live for all Experimentalists from v7009 on web/desktop, v11590 on Android, and v24.11.12 on iOS. If you experience any bugs please report them in our Experimentalist support channel. General feedback or feature improvements can be submitted using the feedback form in calendar settings.
(Now back to implementing completed tasks in calendar layout and Outlook Calendar 🫡 )
Open multiple windows on desktop: September 11
If you frequently switch between multiple views in Todoist, we are making it easier to view them all simultaneously! Now, you can open multiple windows using our desktop apps.
Seva to explain how it works 👇To try it out, click on the three dots icon beside any project in the sidebar and select Open in new window. Alternatively, open any view or task, click on the three dots icon and select Open in new window. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts ⌘⇧N (Mac)
or Ctrl + Shift + N
(Windows) to open this view or task in a new window.
If you want your new window to default to your Home view instead, select File > New Home window from the menu bar, or use ⌥⌘⇧N
(Mac) or Option + Ctrl +
Shift + N
Quick tip
To change your Home view, go to Settings > General > Home view and select your preferred option.
Lastly, you can float any Todoist window to keep it visible at all times. Select Window > Float on Top in the menu bar, or use ⌥⌘F
(Mac) or Ctrl +
(Windows). No more searching for your Todoist window in a sea of running applications!
Send us feedback
This is live for all Experimentalists on desktop. You do need to restart your app first in order to see it. Additionally, for desktop experimental features, your app needs to be downloaded from our site and not the App Store, Microsoft Store, or Snap Store. If you experience any bugs, please report them in our Experimentalist support channel.
Happy testing! 🧪
Sync scheduled tasks to your Google Calendar: September 3
Great day for time-blockers! You can now sync your time-blocked tasks to Google Calendar with the new Calendar integration.
Francesca to show you how it works. 👇To try it out, navigate to Calendar settings in the web app and enable the Sync tasks to calendar option. After a few seconds, you’ll see a “Todoist” calendar in your Google Calendar account.
All your assigned tasks with a time or duration will sync to Google Calendar. Completed tasks will show up in your calendar with a ✓ check mark in front of it. Now it’s going to be easier to plan new events or respond to meeting invites as you’ll see your time-blocked tasks reflected in Google Calendar.
It’s a two-way street
Rescheduling or renaming a task from Google Calendar will sync back to Todoist. Note that for recurring tasks, we aren’t able to support updates to a single instance (“this event only”) or some complex custom recurrences.
👉 Learn all about this new feature
Send us feedback
It’s now live for all Experimentalists from v6609 on the web and desktop. If you experience any bugs please report them in our Experimentalist support channel. General feedback or feature requests can be submitted using the feedback form in calendar settings.
Happy testing! 🧪
Calendar layout in Today on mobile: August 22
The new calendar layout in the Today view is now available for Experimentalists on paid plans using Todoist for iOS and Android!
Hugo’s here to tell you all about it:
Head to your Today view to check out the new layout. Tap the
Remember, if you’ve set up our new Calendar integration, you’ll be able to visualize your day’s workload and Google Calendar events in one view.
Plan your day
The calendar in Today is the perfect view to keep an eye on your plans and ensure you stay on track throughout the day.
You can add new tasks with a tap, or quickly rearrange your schedule by dragging and dropping tasks in the timeline. To adjust the duration, tap a task to open and edit the details.
Tasks that don’t have a time assigned to them can be found in the All day section at the top. To take a look at the full list of all-day tasks, tap the ∧
arrows or [x] more
button to expand the section. From there, you can easily drag tasks to the calendar to fit them into your schedule of the day.
Android users will also have the option to remove due times by dragging time-blocked tasks back to the All day section. We’re working on adding this to iOS very soon.
If you have overdue tasks, you’ll see Overdue at the top-right. Tap on it to pull up the list so you can reschedule tasks.
Work in progress
We’re currently working on a few enhancements for both iOS and Android to make it easier to rearrange your schedule (like when dealing with overlapping tasks).
You may have spotted that the new Plan sidebar hasn't made its way to the mobile calendar. Not for now at least – we’re exploring if we can add it in the future.
The calendar layout in Today on Todoist for iOS and Android is rolled out to all Experimentalists on paid plans. Remember, the updated version of the app may take some time to show up across all regions of the app stores, so thanks for your patience!
The minimum app versions you’ll need in order to see the layout are:
- iOS -
24.8.22👈 Due to a bug, it's now available in 24.8.31 - Android - v11514
We can't wait for you to take the new calendar layout for a spin! If you find any bugs, please report them in our Experimentalist support channel. Feedback or feature requests can be submitted with our beta feedback form or with the in-app feedback link.
New Plan sidebar in calendar in Today on web: August 9
Remember when we said we were working to make the Calendar layout in Today even more powerful for scheduling and rescheduling your day? Here’s a quick update: the next iteration is already here!
Introducing the new Plan sidebar. ✨
Replacing the previous Overdue sidebar, the calendar layout on web and desktop now boasts a new Plan sidebar in the Today view, available to Experimentalists on paid plans.
Click on Plan at the top-right to open the panel. Here, you’ll now see a list of all your tasks for the day so you can quickly put together – and adjust – your plans. Simply drag tasks right into the calendar to fit them into your schedule. Tasks are organized into three groups:
- Overdue: all your overdue tasks
- Unscheduled: all tasks due today without a set time (you’ll also see these in the All day section above the calendar)
- Scheduled: all tasks scheduled for today with an assigned time
Take a look at
Francesca’s quick walkthrough of the new Plan sidebar. 👇Be sure to let us know what you think of the new layout and working with the Plan sidebar.
Happy testing! 🧪
Calendar layout in Today on web: August 5
Get ready for a smarter way to organize your day – our new calendar layout will soon be live in the Today view for all Experimentalists on paid plans!
Francesca from the Calendar squad to demonstrate the new layout. 👇To try it out, navigate to Today, open the View menu, and select Calendar. You’ll now see today’s tasks in a 1-day calendar layout – perfect for planning your day and time-blocking tasks without getting distracted by weekly or monthly views. And, if you’ve set up our new Calendar integration, you’ll be able to visualize your day’s workload and Google Calendar events in one view.
Plan your day
Drag tasks from the All day section onto the calendar to give them a time slot for the day. To rearrange your schedule, simply drag and drop tasks around the calendar, adjusting the duration by pulling on the top or bottom of the task.
Click on Overdue at the top-right to open the sidebar and see your overdue tasks. Drag tasks right into the calendar to fit them into your schedule for the day.
In the works
Right now, the calendar in Today is only accessible in your browser or via the desktop app. But we’re working to bring it to iOS and Android apps soon too!
We’re super-excited to get this first version of the calendar in Today into your hands. Be sure to let us know how you experience the new layout; your feedback helps us a ton as we continue to enhance it.
In fact, based on early feedback from our alpha testers, we’re already working on some exciting updates to make the layout even more powerful for scheduling and rescheduling your day. So stay tuned for more improvements! 👀
The new layout will soon be live for all Experimentalists on paid plans. Remember, if you experience any bugs please report them in our Experimentalist support channel. Feedback or feature requests can be submitted using the in-app feedback link. ✌️
Happy testing! 🧪
Week calendar layout on mobile: June 5
A new week calendar view is available for Experimentalists on paid plans using Todoist for iOS and Android starting today!
Here’s Hugo from the Calendar squad with a walkthrough of the new feature. 👇
Today’s new multi-day layout option is available in Upcoming on both iOS and Android. Android users will also have the option to use the week layout for their projects, filters, and labels. We’re working on adding this to the iOS version soon as well.
You can check out the new layout by navigating to Upcoming, opening the view options menu, and selecting the new layout (“3-Day” on iOS, “Week” on Android).
How it works
The mobile version of our new multi-day calendar layout brings some brand new capabilities to the Android and iOS versions.
Scheduled tasks appear on the calendar under the respective date. If you assign a due time to your tasks, they will be slotted into the agenda for that day.
You can drag and drop to reschedule them or tap to open the task and edit the details. Or, use the due times of a task to have it time-block a specific stretch of your agenda.
Work in progress
We’ve got a few improvements in the works on both iOS and Android which will arrive in future updates.
On iOS:
- As we mentioned above, the week layout is not yet available for projects, filters, and labels. But we’ll be adding this soon.
- We’ll also be adding a date picker at the top of the screen to allow you to jump to future dates more quickly.
- And lastly on iOS, at the moment we only allow going two weeks into the future and one week into the past using the new layout. We’re looking at increasing the timescales here and letting you move >1 year in either direction.
On Android:
- We’ll make improvements to how overlapping tasks are handled, which has some issues at the moment.
- We’ll also be adding an updated calendar layout switcher, as seen in iOS version currently.
On both platforms:
- We’re working on the ability to drag and drop tasks from the all day section into the timeline.
- We haven’t yet added the “Overdue” or “No date” task lists you’ll see in the calendar view on desktop. Let us know if you’d like to see it on mobile too!
It can take some time for the updated version of the app to appear in the app store in all regions, so thanks for your patience! 🙏 On iOS, you may need to quit and reopen the app before the new layout will become available.
The minimum app versions you’ll need in order to see the week layout are:
- iOS - 24.6.4
- Android - v11446
As a reminder, any bugs you find should go to our Experimentalist support channel, and your feedback or feature requests can be submitted using the in-app feedback link. ✌️
Happy testing! 🧪
Week calendar layout on web: May 1
Today we’re kicking off the rollout of a Week calendar layout to Experimentalists!
Here’s Jon from the Calendar squad with a walkthrough of the changes. 👇
How to test Week layout
The Week option will be available when using the calendar layout in Upcoming, projects, filters, and labels. To try it out, open the View menu and select Calendar. When you switch to Calendar, a new Layout option toggle lets you switch between Week or Month.
Right now, the new Week option is only accessible in your browser or using the desktop app. But we’re working on bringing it to iOS and Android apps soon too!
How it works
Working with tasks in the week layout has a lot of the same functionality as in the month layout, with a few new details to make the most of the more detailed view.
As in the month view, you can drag and drop tasks around the calendar to reschedule them. In the week layout, you can also quickly change the duration of the task by pulling on the top or bottom of the task.
You can also drag tasks back and forth from the All day section, making it easier to adjust your workload throughout the week but keep the tasks visible.
Any tasks that don’t have a due date assigned will show up in a No date panel. Drag tasks right into the calendar to fit them into your schedule for the week.
To begin with, we’ve activated this new option for a small group of (randomly selected) Experimentalists. If everything goes smoothly, we’ll roll out to everyone with Experimental Features enabled soon. Thanks for your patience! 🙏
As a reminder, bugs you find should go to our Experimentalist support channel, and your feedback or feature requests should go to our beta feedback form. Or just click the Send feedback button in the View menu. ✌️
What’s next
We’re super excited to see how the week calendar helps you with planning and getting things done in Todoist. We’ve got a few more Calendar updates coming your way though, so keep an eye out for more updates! 👀
Until then, happy testing!
Project Insights in Team Workspaces: April 19
Heads up, Experimentalists! Expect to see new collaborator chips and stats icons on your workspace overview. Additionally, we’ve now made the “Joined” tab the default tab that you’ll land on whenever you visit the workspace overview page. Get ready to dive into a more informative dashboard!