Kaikki mallit

Wedding Planning

Tietoja tästä mallista

A wedding is one of the biggest projects you and your spouse-to-be will take on together. While there’s romance and partying at the end of the road, it’s up to you two to keep everything organized in the months (or years) leading up to the big day.

Use this template to see what you’re going to need to check off as you go. The list can grow quickly, so make sure to share it with your partner and anyone else who’s helping out so you can attack it together.

Also, why not use the Vacation Planning template for the Honeymoon?

Tip: Add any important documents (like contracts), images (like wedding designs) or links (to wedding websites) in your task comments.


Head of Support at Todoist

Samanlaisia malleja

  • Goal Tracker

    Build a system that connects your high-level goals to your daily actions.


  • Appointments

    Never forget (or forget to prepare for) another meeting or appointment.


  • Fitness

    Make fitness a habit by adding your favorite exercises to your to-do list.


Samanlaisia malleja

  • Goal Tracker

    Build a system that connects your high-level goals to your daily actions.


  • Appointments

    Never forget (or forget to prepare for) another meeting or appointment.


  • Fitness

    Make fitness a habit by adding your favorite exercises to your to-do list.


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