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New Year Todoist Refresh

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By the end of a jam packed year, your Todoist can become a disorganized mess, full of old projects, long overdue tasks, and unused labels. This template will walk you through each step of refreshing and resetting your to-do list.

Start your New Year feeling motivated and on top of your game, ready to tackle those new aspirations and goals.


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Samanlaisia malleja

  • Organize Your Finances

    Organize your personal finances using this template co-created with YNAB.


  • Organize Your Home

    Declutter and organize your home with a checklist for each and every room.


  • Organize Your Tasks

    Set up and stick to a system that tracks everything you need to get done.


Samanlaisia malleja

  • Organize Your Finances

    Organize your personal finances using this template co-created with YNAB.


  • Organize Your Home

    Declutter and organize your home with a checklist for each and every room.


  • Organize Your Tasks

    Set up and stick to a system that tracks everything you need to get done.


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