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Sales Pipeline

Tietoja tästä mallista

Taking care of your incoming sales leads can quickly become chaotic. How long ago did we follow up? Did they reply? Where’s the contact information for that new lead? On top of that, information is often scattered across many tools making it hard to find what you need to actually make a sale. Using Todoist for your sales pipeline keeps everything in one place.

To get started with this template, add all your current leads to the various sections representing the stages of your pipeline. You can add extra information in task comments to keep track of each lead. Add due dates to keep track of when to contact people.

If you work with a sales team, share the project with them so you can divide and conquer.


Product at Todoist

Samanlaisia malleja

  • Blog Post

    Go from inspiration to publication with this template for your blog.


  • Campaign Tracker

    Track ad campaigns and keep a pulse on your marketing initiatives.


  • Content Calendar

    Strategize, organize, and publish your marketing content on schedule.


Samanlaisia malleja

  • Blog Post

    Go from inspiration to publication with this template for your blog.


  • Campaign Tracker

    Track ad campaigns and keep a pulse on your marketing initiatives.


  • Content Calendar

    Strategize, organize, and publish your marketing content on schedule.


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