Kaikki mallit

Language Learning

Tietoja tästä mallista

It’s well known that there are many cognitive benefits of learning a new language, like increased concentration and better control of your attention. But it’s also a rewarding way to understand a new culture and have some fun along the way.

When you decide you want to get a bit more serious about learning a new language, use this template to set some goals, pick the app that suits you best and keeps you moving forward everyday. Simply import the template into a new project, set your goal and go from there.

Tip: 10 Insights That Will Change the Way You Set (and Achieve) Your Goals


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Samanlaisia malleja

  • Class Planning

    Keep all the many details of your class plans organized and in one place.


  • Student Project

    Share this project with your classmates and make your way towards an A.


  • Student Planning

    Never forget a single reading or assignment with this handy checklist for organizing each course.


Samanlaisia malleja

  • Class Planning

    Keep all the many details of your class plans organized and in one place.


  • Student Project

    Share this project with your classmates and make your way towards an A.


  • Student Planning

    Never forget a single reading or assignment with this handy checklist for organizing each course.


Ehdota mallia

Etkö löydä etsimääsi? Täytä lyhyt lomake kertoaksesi meille malleista, joita haluat käyttää.

Ehdota mallia