Kaikki mallit

Disconnect From Tech

Tietoja tästä mallista

Take a break from technology and spend time disconnecting from digital distractions in the new year. Carve out time for unplugged self-care that recharges your batteries, leaves you with time to think, and fortifies you for challenges that lie ahead.

Use this template to build self-care into your week and plan downtime to avoid burnout. Pencil in time for analog activities that help you reset, like walking your dog, calling a friend, or spending your lunch hour savouring your meal instead of answering emails.


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Samanlaisia malleja

  • Organize Your Finances

    Organize your personal finances using this template co-created with YNAB.


  • Organize Your Home

    Declutter and organize your home with a checklist for each and every room.


  • Organize Your Tasks

    Set up and stick to a system that tracks everything you need to get done.


Samanlaisia malleja

  • Organize Your Finances

    Organize your personal finances using this template co-created with YNAB.


  • Organize Your Home

    Declutter and organize your home with a checklist for each and every room.


  • Organize Your Tasks

    Set up and stick to a system that tracks everything you need to get done.


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