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Easily track your workflow using the Pomodoro technique.


PomoDoneApp combines the effectiveness of Pomodoro-style time management with task tracking. Based on the famous Pomodoro Technique, this time management tool helps you to prevent procrastination and burnout.

PomoDone lets you automatically track how much time you spend on each task. You can filter time logs by source, project, and date. You can also share your time logs with your teammates or export them any time you want.


  • Select the Todoist projects you want to track in PomoDone

  • Define a PomoDone bucket for each project and start tracking your time

  • Import your Todoist filters and group tasks

  • Share your time logs with your teammates or export them

Todoist Pro antaa sinulle voiman saavuttaa tavoitteesi

Muista kaikki muistutusten avulla, seuraa niin monta projektia kuin tarvitset, personoi sovellusta Pro-teemoilla ja paljon muuta.

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