Všechny integrace


Organize everything you need to do today in one place.

Zjistit víc

Sunsama walks you through a guided daily planning workflow that helps you build a focused and achievable set of goals for the day. While planning, you can pull in tasks from Todoist, emails from Gmail, meetings from Google Calendar, and tasks from a number of other tools. Sunsama helps you estimate your daily workload and schedule it on to your calendar. Sunsama is the best way to focus on just the tasks you need to get done today.


  • Browse all your Todoist tasks.

  • Drag and drop today's most important Todoist tasks into today's plan.

Todoist Pro vám dává sílu zvládnout všechno

Zapamatujte si vše díky připomenutím, udržujte si přehled v tolika projektech, v kolika jen potřebujete, zkrášlete si aplikaci motivy tarifu Pro a spousta dalšího.
