What happens when I downgrade?

When you downgrade from a paid plan (our Business and Pro plans) to a free account, you account will have access to the free features and limitations. You can view a full overview of what is available with a free account here.

If you downgrade from a paid plan to a free account, you will lose access to certain features as well as lower account limits. You can view an overview of what you get with a paid account versus a free account in this article and on our pricing page.

If you are above the free project limit when you downgrade, any project that goes above the free limit will become view-only projects.

A view-only project cannot be edited and you will not be able to add any new tasks to it. However, you can still delete or archive the project.

Todoist will automatically make projects view-only according to creation date.

For example, if you are on the Pro with 10 personal projects and you then downgrade to the free plan (which has a limit of 5 personal projects), your 5 oldest projects will become view-only.

No, Todoist will automatically make projects view-only according to creation date. 

View-only projects will be marked with an exclamation mark icon in your sidebar. Furthermore, if you open a view-only project, you will see a banner which will identify it as a view-only project.

You can either upgrade to a paid plan or you can bring your account under the free project limits by archiving and/or deleting projects.

This depends on your account:

  • If you are the one downgrading, the project may become view-only for you (depending on how old the project is and how many projects you have in your account).
  • If your collaborator downgrades and you remain on the paid plan, you will still have full access to the project, while the project may become view-only for your collaborator (depending on how old the project is and how many projects they have in their account)