Customize views in Todoist

Available for

  • Beginner
  • Pro
  • Business

Customize which tasks you want to see and how they're displayed to match your management style, project requirements, and workflow preferences.

Change a layout

There are three different view layouts, which you can change whenever you like:

LayoutUse it if
ListYou want to see a comprehensive overview of all your tasks and sub-tasks.
BoardTasks in your view require a more dynamic and visual workflow — to track task progress, identify bottlenecks, and prioritize work effectively.
CalendarTasks in your view require time-sensitive planning, and you need to visualize them in a schedule.

If the project is shared, people in the project will see the new layout when they open and view the project.

Sort tasks

Arrange tasks using the following options:

Sorting typeUse it to
GroupingGroup tasks in a project, label, filter, Inbox, or Today view based on selected criteria.
SortingSort tasks alphabetically or by assignee, due date, creation date, priority, or project.

If sorting or grouping options are turned on for a shared project, these changes are only visible to you. People in the project will continue to see tasks in their current views.

Filter your tasks

In addition to sorting and grouping your tasks, you can also filter them. This means that rather than displaying all tasks in a project, label, filter, Inbox, or your Today view, you can filter out tasks. You can filter your tasks by:

Filter byUse it to see
AssigneeTasks assigned to you, a specific assignee, or no one
Due dateTasks within a certain time frame
PriorityTasks with a specific priority
LabelTasks with a specific label

Get in touch

If you're having trouble applying the different view options in a project, get in touch. We - Olivia, Melis, Keita, or another one of our 14 teammates - look forward to lending a hand!